
  struct base { base(); };

  struct derived : base { derived(); }

      cout << "\tbase 1: this=" << int(this) << " \n"; if (this="=" 0) this="(base*)27;" cout << "\tbase 2: this=" << int(this) << " \n"; } derived::derived() { cout << "\tderived 1: this=" << int(this) << " \n"; this="(this" ="=" 0) ? (derived*)43 : this; cout << "\tderived 2: this=" << int(this) << " \n"; } main() { cout << "base b;\n"; base b; cout << "new base b;\n"; new base; cout << "derived d;\n"; derived d; cout << "new derived d;\n"; new derived; cout << "at the end\n"; } 
порождает вывод
  base b;
          base 1: this=2147478307
          base 2: this=2147478307
  new base;
          base 1: this=0
          base 2: this=27
  derived d;
          derived 1: this=2147478306
          base 1: this=2147478306
          base 2: this=2147478306
          derived 1: this=2147478306
  new derived;
          derived 1: this=0
          base 1: this=43
          base 2: this=43
          derived 1: this=43
  at the end